Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

2009 Indiana Green Expo Lunch

INASLA is proud to sponsor the 2009 Luncheon at the Indiana Green Expo. Mark your calendars for :
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Indianapolis Convention Center

The featured speaker will be Peter Lindsay Schaudt, FASLA of Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects in Chicago. For more than two decades, Peter has achieved numerous design awards and honors, highlighted by the coveted Rome Prize Fellowship in Landscape Architecture and Fellowship with the American Society of Landscape Architects. His career is marked with strong credentials in the art of design, stewardship, and social responsibility. With ideals of restraint, elegance, and simplicity, Peter strives to achieve a timeless design quality for each project.

The cost for the luncheon is $25.00 and includes a box lunch and entrance into the trade show. This event also counts for 1 CEU.
For additional information on the conference and to register online visit ww.indianagreenexpo.com

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ASLA In-District Advocacy Day

This year ASLA In- District Advocacy Day has been scheduled for February 18, 2009!
During In-District Advocacy Day 2009, ASLA members will discuss securing federal funding for the Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) and the importance of historic landscapes to our nation. ASLA maintains a HALS website to provide critical information on the program and advocacy efforts for securing its funding.

ASLA is gearing up for the 2009 ASLA In-District Advocacy Day. In-District Advocacy Day was created to help landscape architects establish and build relationships with the members of Congress and staff from their respective districts. By strengthening relationships with Members of the House of Representatives and Senate, landscape architects can better communicate their legislative priorities and realize the passage of legislation that positively impacts the practice of landscape architecture.
In-District Advocacy Day participants will also discuss the importance of good transportation planning and design for all users and including a “Complete Streets” policy in the upcoming reauthorization of the surface transportation bill. The Complete Streets Coalition, which ASLA is an active member, maintains a Web site that includes comprehensive information and tools to learn about and advocate for Complete Streets policies.
If this is your first time visiting a Congressional office, you have no need to worry. Each Congressional District has one or more offices in the district that are established for the purpose of listening to constituent concerns.

ASLA’s Advocacy Network has a wealth of tools available including tips on visiting your Representative’s office, contact information, guidance on the legislative process and more.

Additionally, ASLA recommends that you review its “Guide To Interacting With Your Legislator” located on the
ASLA website for important advocacy tips for landscape architects.
The upcoming 111th Congress will bring many new federal legislators to Congress and many new issues to the forefront of the legislative agenda. It is extremely important that landscape architects reach out to their Members of Congress and Senators to encourage them to support issues that are important to the profession.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sustainable Sites Initative UPDATE!

The Sustainable Sites Initiative invites public comment on the new report titled Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks Draft 2008, the most comprehensive set of national guidelines yet developed for the sustainable design, construction and maintenance of landscapes. The report is available for download at www.sustainablesites.org, and an online feedback form has been created for users to help improve the guidelines.

These guidelines will enable built landscapes to support natural ecological functions by protecting existing ecosystems and regenerating ecological capacity where it has been lost. The report includes more than 50 prerequisites and credit options that cover everything from initial site selection to construction and maintenance. The report represents thousands of hours with input from 37 technical advisors in hydrology, vegetation, soils, materials and human health and well being. These credits were tailored to apply to any landscape, with our without buildings.

For information, contact info@sustainablesites.org

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Summer Native Plant Bus Tour

Thank you to Spence Restoration Nursery for providing us with this video containing highlights of this summer's Native Plant Bus Tour. The Bus Tour was held on July 30, 2008 and was presented by Spence Restoration Nursery, EcoLogic and Williams Creek. INASLA hopes to be a part of this event in the future as well.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are you preparing to take the LARE?
If so, plan on attending the INASLA Annual Meeting on Friday, October 24th for an afternoon LARE Workshop! This workshop will be most beneficial to anyone planning to take the LARE/Section C and/or E for the first time, or those who have had prior difficulty with the Sections.
The session will begin promptly after the lunch & awards presentation, and will end by 4:45pm. This workshop is packed with information on Sections C and E of the Landscape Architect Registration Exam (LARE). Among the topics covered will be:
  • General LARE format
  • Specific Sections C and E content
  • Fundamental skills required
  • Exam scoring and pass rates
  • Important exam expectations and strategies
  • Review of example problems, solutions, and evaluations
  • Advice/perspective from people who recently passed the exam
Attendees will complete a short vignette problem. So BRING all the tools necessary to take these exams (pencil/eraser, engineering scale, drafting equipment, trash paper, and calculator). Once complete, we will review & discuss the vignette's solution.
Register for the conference by contacting Corrie Meyer (cmeyer@schmidt-arch.com) to confirm you attendance at this workshop. An email confirmation of attendance for this workshop is required for this session- for planning purposes. Only registered participants of the INASLA annual meeting can attend this workshop, badges will be checked.
Mail a completed form along with payment to:
PO Box 441195
Indianapolis, IN 46244
ASLA Members- $125.00* Non-Members- $150.00* Students- $35.00*
*Registration fees includes parking, breakfast, all educational sessions and lunch.

Progress takes time

The chapter executive committee would like to apologize for the delay in posting our new website. We are currently contracted with a company to revamp the page to make it more user friendly. This process has taken longer then expected and we apologize. In the meantime you can visit the INASLA live blog link to find up to date information on upcoming events, landscape architects in the news, and other chapter information. If you ever have questions, or need additional information please feel free to contact the executive committee at our chapter e-mail address: indiana.asla@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

INASLA is on Facebook

INASLA now has a group on Facebook.com. If you are already a member of Facebook, please add the Indiana Chapter of ASLA group to your listing. We hope that this application will become another means of communication amongst our chapter. Feel free to start a discussion thread and share your thoughts with the chapter!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Indiana LA's in the news...

Congratulations to Craig Flandermeyer, ASLA and Schmidt Associates on the article "A Tale of Two Parks" in the current issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine. The article written by Adam Arvidson analyzes West Park and Central Park, both located in Carmel, Indiana. The article poses the question: "Who can design a better park: your local landscape architect or an out-of-town consultant with twice the budget?"

The article does a great job of providing an apples to apples comparison between two well designed parks. For those that haven't had the change to read the complete article, you can find it online at: http://www.asla.org/lamag/feature2.html.

Friday, September 5, 2008

KIBI: Monumental Affair Awards Call for Entries

The Call for Entries notice for the 2008 Monumental Awards has been sent to all Central Indiana INASLA members. A program of Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Inc., the awards honor and encourage those who have contributed to the quality of life through the enhancement and beautification of Marion County’s visual and physical environment. They recognize significant achievements in landscape architecture as well as other design and construction fields. The Monumental Affair Awards are a wonderful way not only to recognize outstanding works of landscape architecture, but for landscape architects to promote themselves and their work amongst their colleagues in the other design professions.

Entry instructions and forms are only available online at www.kibi.org/monumental/
Deadline for entry submittal is September 26 at 5:00pm

Landscape architecture entries must have been completed within the past five years (after July 2008). All other entry categories require completion within the past three years. The awards ceremony will be held on November 13, 2008 at the Indiana Roof Ballroom in downtown Indianapolis.

Any questions about the Monumental Affair Awards may be directed to
David Gorden at 317-849-3120 or dgorden@holemanlandscape.com

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Updated Continuing Education Event: Rehbein Environmental Solutions

A fantastic continuing education opportunity has just recently come to our attention. Rehbein Environmental Solutions, a leading design and engineering firm specializing in innovative, sustainable approaches to green site stormwater, will be conducting a workshop at Rundell Ernstberger Associates’ Indianapolis office, 429 E. Vermont Street, on Wednesday, September 10, at 3:00.

The session will explore the integration of ‘Rehbein’ techniques in landscape architectural site designs - applying holistic storm water management, water harvesting, water reuse system, passive capillary irrigation, ‘green’ soil erosion and slope controls, native/low-water landscapes, LEED ‘site’ credits and accreditation, and urban heat island mitigation.

A California firm, Rehbein will be in Indiana September 8-10 conducting workshops at Ball State University as the featured component of the Landscape Architecture Department’s “Design Week” activities.

Please contact the REA Indianapolis office at 317.263.0127 to RSVP.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Citizen of the Wabash & National River Hero Awards

Bernie Dahl, FASLA, Associate Professor and Past Chair of the Landscape Architecture Program, Pudue University's College of Agriculture, and a current director and past president of the Banks of the Wabash, Inc., was the recipient of the 2008 Citizen of the Wabash award presented by the Wabash River Heritage Corridor Commission and one of five national winners honored at the 2008 National River Rally held in Huron, Ohio.


If you missed the National Landscape Architecture Month video produced by ASLA that discusses the advantages of using a licensed Landscape Architect, check it out here! It features our very own "Green Dean" Hill speaking specifically to homeowners on how to find a Landscape Architect, what a Landscape Architect does and how we could help improve the value and aesthetic quality of their property.

Also visit http://www.GreenDeanTv.com for more videos with Dean!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Collaborative Leadership Workshop

On behalf of the Indiana Chapter of ASLA, I would like to extend an invitation for you to join in a collaborative leadership workshop which will be held in conjunction with the INASLA Annual Meeting and awards ceremony. The executive committee of INASLA, APA: Indiana Chapter and the Institute of Transportation Engineers is excited to bring Bill and Joann Truby to Indiana for a afternoon long training session centered around building leaders in the workplace. His session titled "Fearless Leadership: How to be a leader with confidence and always know exactly what to do!" will teach the skills needed to become a successful leader. Bill Truby has been teaching practical leadership skills to professionals for the past 30 years. But he doesn’t teach just theory. He teaches a leader/manager how to think and what to do. INASLA and the event partners view this as an incredible opportunity for allied design professionals to assemble at one event and help foster collaborative leadership among our varied professions. We hope you will be able to attend!
The workshop will be held at the INDOT Traffic Management Center at :
8620 East 21st Street, Indianapolis, IN
The workshop will be held Thursday October 23, 2008 from 12-5.
The cost is $35 before October 1, and $45 after October 1.
Contact caclark@hntb.com for more information.

Friday, August 8, 2008

INASLA announces Bill Truby as keynote speaker!

INASLA is proud to have Bill Truby join us as our keynote speaker! Bill Truby, M.A. MFCC, is a psychology-trained consultant, speaker, author and educator whose focus is on improving the quality of human fulfillment and performance in organizations. His clients include architectural, engineering and related design profession firms; manufacturing companies, dental and medical offices, hospitals, wineries, insurance companies, schools, churches, health clubs, and various product, service and sales organizations. Bill’s work includes consulting for goal setting, team building, strategic planning, management transition; and training in leadership, communications, sales, delegation, motivation, and other organizational skills. He has developed a 5-Step process that ensures success in any organization. He has also developed a three day Personal Growth Intensive that is truly life-changing.Truby is a popular speaker and workshop leader for the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Professional Services Management Association, the American Society of Association Executives, the Society of Architectural Administrators, California Association of Hospital Admission Managers, and the American Institute of Architects. He has worked extensively throughout the United States as well as Australia, Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong. Bill has a Master’s Degree in Psychology and has been teaching personal, interpersonal and organizational success strategies for the past 30 years.

HOW NATURAL LAWS MAKE OR BREAK YOU: How working with five natural laws gives you personal power AND a thriving business! Ever wonder why growing a business or making a profit can be so difficult? Ever wonder why so many leaders are insecure, fearful or just lack confidence? Keynote speaker, Bill Truby, will reveal five natural laws called the Laws of Achievement that govern the quests for personal power and a thriving business. He’ll show you how to work with those laws to gain effortless success.

You see…whether you know them or not, understand them or not, acknowledge them or not – these natural laws are at work every day of your life; every day of your career. They are just as pervasive and just as powerful as the law of gravity and all the other laws of nature. Speaker, Bill Truby, will tell you what these laws are and how he uses them to help companies all over the nation find astounding success.

Annual Meeting Planning Underway

Plan on joining us for the 2008 INASLA Annual Meeting and Design Awards Luncheon on Friday, October 24, 2008. The event will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Sessions are still being finalized but we will be offering sessions in business/ practice, sustainable design and technology. Look for the upcoming information here and in upcoming issue of News and Notes to learn more about breakout session topics and speakers.

Continuing education credits are now required for all licensed landscape architects in the state of Indiana. By attending the annual meeting’s educational sessions and presentations, professionals can earn up to 6 hours of continuing education credit. This accounts for nearly half of your required credits! Credits are available in one hour increments and sessions will be available throughout the day.