Friday, September 25, 2009

2009 INASLA Annual Meeting and Design Awards Presentation Registration Information

2009 INASLA Annual Meeting and Design Awards Presentation

Friday, October 23, 2009
University Place Conference Center
850 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN

Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. I
t was loaned to you by your children."

Kenyan Proverb

Registration Form

Save $30 if you register before October 10!

7:30- 8:30 Registration and Participant Breakfast

8:00-8:30 Welcome comments

8:30- 10:00 Keynote Speaker

Kaid Benfield, Director- NRDC's Smarth Growth and Transportation Program
"Landscape architects have always been at the forefront of environmental responsibility. But what does this mean in the 21st century? Climate change is not only coming: it's here. And so is rapid population growth. Over half of the homes, shops, schools, and workplaces we will need in 20 years aren't built yet. We had better get it right. And we can."

Kaid Benfield is director of the smart growth program at the Natural
Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in Washington, D.C. He co-founded LEED for Neighborhood Development and the national coalition Smart Growth America. He is author or co-author of several books on sustainable development, including Solving Sprawl, Smart Growth In a Changing World,and Green Community, forthcoming from the American Planning Association.

Kaid is also one of the environmental community's leading online voices through his daily Switchboard blog. He is a graduate of Emory University and Georgetown University Law Center.

10:15-11:30 Concurrent Breakout Session #1

Allyson Pumphrey, City of Indianapolis Office of Sustainability
Indianapolis's Sustainable Infrastructure Initiative
Allyson Pumphrey from the City's Office of Sustainability will discuss the background & priorities of the Office of Sustainability. Specifically, she will highlight the Sustainable Infrastructure Initiative- a multi-faceted, multi-department approach to integrating green stormwater infrastructure into the overall solution for the City's water quantity/quality challenges by providing cost savings for the public side and incentives for the private side. She will also provide an update on current projects, recent accomplishments, and ongoing goals of the Office.

Alan Culwell, Attorney- Bingham, McHale LLP
Land Use Law and LEED for Neighborhood Development
Session description still to come! Stay tuned for additional information.

11:45-2:00 Lunch and INASLA Awards Presentation

Luncheon Speaker
Brian Dougherty, ASLA VP of Membership

2:15-3:30 Concurrent Breakout Session #2
Tom Barrett, Green Water Infrastructure, Inc.
Rainwater Harvesting and Condensate Recovery- New Tools for Sustainable Sites
Rainwater Harvesting and Condensate Recovery - New Tools for Sustainable Sites Capturing and using rainwater is enjoying revival as an alternate source of water to enhance the landscape. Up to 90% of the rain, which falls onto a site, can be captured, stored, and used to create a sustainable community.

Additionally, the water condensing from air conditioning units during thesummer months in hot humid areas can produce thousands of gallons of water each day. It is possible to combine rainwater harvesting and condensate recovery to irrigate the landscape. Join Tom Barrett as he explains how use of locally produced, non- potable water helps develop a "natural approach" to efficient use of water and relieves stormwater management issues.

Eric Ummel, Heartland Restoration
Installation Methods and key elements of design/ specifications of native prairies, pond edges and stream bank stabilization
Learn what makes a native prairie seed installation successful directly from the contractor. Eric Ummel, Director of Heartland Restoration Services, Inc. has been installing prairies for 10 years. He can answer your questions from what key elements to specify in your design, to what your client should expect through the first five years after installation. This presentation will focus on proper site preparation, installation techniques, and both short and long-term management needs.

3:45- 5:00 Concurrent Breakout Session #3
Dan Overby, AIA, LEED AP
LEED 2009 and Sustainable Sites Initiative Update
Earlier this year, the U.S. Green Building Council launched the latest version of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System*. LEED Version 3 builds on the fundamental structure and familiarity of the existing rating system, but provides a new structure for making sure the rating system incorporates new technology and addresses the most urgent priorities like energy use and CO2 emissions. This session will provide an overview the updates and will also cover the status of the Sustainable Sites Initiative.

Representatives for Smock Fansler Corporation
Sustainability From the Contractor's Point of View
Session description still to come! Stay tuned for additional information.


Friday, September 11, 2009

ACE Mentoring Volunteer Opportunities Available!

Whether you are heading downtown for work, or play, light rail is making tracks this year at ACE mentoring. The light rail theme will help you and high school students learn more about a light rail coming your way.* Take the students on local field trips, talk with other professionals and bea leader respresenting the Landscape Architecture professional in the ACE Mentor Program of Indiana.

This is the first year for Landscape Architects in Indiana and we are proud to partner with a NationalMentoring Organization. The ACE program is a unique partnership among industry professionals, including landscape architects, construction managers, engineers and architects, who work together to attract young people to their professions. Please go to to sign up for this years rail pass. Once on the web site, select the mentor tab on the top left of page and go to the application form. Submit the form and contact Eric Rolle to let so he can add you to the roster for schools. This will take you about 5 minutes. Plan to have fun! DO NOT do the Lexus Nexus Screening Background Check. The screening is done through IPS.

Erica Rolle is the ACE mentor Indiana coordinator contact:


To learn more about INASLA involvement, please contact:

Daryn Fair, ASLA, RLA


Thank you for your participation, we are looking forward to a great year!

The Environmental Habitat Steward Certificate Program

The Environmental Habitat Steward Certificate Program is designed for professionals including landscape architects, planners, architects, engineers, contractors, and developers. Participants will learn fundamental concepts in habitat management and current practices that can be used to preserve or enhance habitats. After this training, participants will be able to apply environmental principles to their traditional professional methods in creative and innovative ways based on the needs of particular project. CE credits are offered.

Please see for more information."

This program is offered by the Indiana Wildlife Federation.