Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Progress takes time

The chapter executive committee would like to apologize for the delay in posting our new website. We are currently contracted with a company to revamp the page to make it more user friendly. This process has taken longer then expected and we apologize. In the meantime you can visit the INASLA live blog link to find up to date information on upcoming events, landscape architects in the news, and other chapter information. If you ever have questions, or need additional information please feel free to contact the executive committee at our chapter e-mail address:


Anonymous said...

It has been really disapponting to see that state of Indiana ASLA and its leadership (or lack of). The website is only one part of a really sad state of affairs. I would recommend some chages in INASLA bylaws:
1. To hold office (other than Student Representative) one must be currently licensed in Indiana
2. Require that meeting agendas and minutes be made available upon request and posted to the website.
3. Required that meetings, events and other gatherings be held at different locations throughout the state and not just in Indianapolis.

Clearly INASLA has been lacking leadership and having a more seasoned and experienced set of leaders would go a long way to help the current doldrum.

Anonymous said...

I would strongly recommend that if you are a CURRENT member of INASLA and are not happy with the leadership, then get involved. Leaving comments on the website are not an effective way to get involved or change the direction of an organization.

Licensure has NEVER been and will hopefully, NEVER be a requirement to be a member of ASLA or to serve on the Executive Committee. In addition, INASLA is a volunteer organization that relies on the volunteer spirit and the dedication of many, non-billable hours. If you are so disgruntled with the state of affairs, please step forward and volunteer to help change the lack of leadership. We are always open to members that would like to serve on the Executive Committee or on standing committees. On the other hand, if you are a former member and just like to bitch and not get involved then we are probably not the professional organization for you!

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with the 1st poster. On three occasions I have tried to voluteer for a committee but never heard back from the committee chair. This organization has been controlled by a few LA's located in Indianapolis for so long others have lost interest. And the web site sucks.